Pleated or Flat Panel Air Conditioner Filter: Which is Better?

When it comes to choosing an air filter for your air conditioning system, it's important to consider both its effectiveness at trapping particles and its impact on airflow resistance. Pleated filters are more effective at trapping very small particles than flat panel filters, but they can also cause more resistance to airflow due to their high density. A pleated filter is an air filter that is made of a synthetic fiber material that is folded into an accordion shape or folded to create a larger surface area to retain dust and filtered debris. This increased surface area helps reduce the amount of air pollutants that penetrate through the filter into the heating coil and fan motor areas.

The higher the MERV rating, the finer the particles that the filter can trap and prevent them from circulating back into the air. The MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating is the standard rating system for measuring the overall effectiveness of an air filter at trapping air pollutants. In general, pleated filters are more effective at capturing very small particles than pleated air filters; 99.97% of airborne particles are trapped in a pleated air filter. While fiberglass filters work, pleated filters, in general, better filter and trap small contaminants and common contaminants found in the air. Pleated filters also have a longer lifespan (up to 90 days) and a higher dust holding capacity.

Pleated filters usually have a larger surface area than any other type of filter. These filters even have a good density that allows them to trap small dust particles and air pollutants such as pollen, mold spores, pet dander, etc. Pleated filters are disposable and also last a long time. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) usually considers air filters to be within the range of 7 to 13 degrees, which is equivalent to HEPA filters.

Many people choose pleated filters because they offer the least amount of airflow resistance than an air conditioning system. This means that they don't interfere with airflow and can trap contaminants as small as 0.3 microns, including some viruses and bacteria. Additionally, they have a longer lifespan than other types of filters and can help reduce energy bills by preventing damage to modern HVAC systems caused by not changing the filter regularly. When it comes to choosing between a pleated or flat panel air conditioner filter, it's important to consider both their effectiveness at trapping particles and their impact on airflow resistance.

Ultimately, it's important to choose an effective air filter that combines filtering efficiency with air flow in order to create a product that is effective in removing particulates from the air without creating unnecessary demand on the HVAC engine.

Chelsey Barkdull
Chelsey Barkdull

Typical music lover. Hardcore twitter specialist. Passionate music scholar. General baconaholic. . Friendly music practitioner.

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