Do Air Filters Really Make a Difference? - A Comprehensive Guide

The right air conditioning filters can make the difference between air that is full of pollutants and air that is clean, healthy, and easy to breathe. Knowing the various types of home air filters is the initial step to getting the best indoor air quality you deserve. An additional benefit of a good air filter is improved IAQ, which means the whole family can breathe better. Good filters can stop biological contaminants, pet dander, dirt, mold spores, and other pollutants.

Cheap air filters can only stop the largest particles (sand and gravel, hair and dust). They are installed in wall-mounted ventilation grilles (most common in the south) or in the air controller (more common in the Mid-Atlantic and North Atlantic states, where the air conditioner is usually placed in the basement, near the oven). The air is charged with particles, passes through the filter only once and the results are measured. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and measures how well a filter removes particulates from the air.

In some cases, after major events such as a fire, it is important to know when to change your home's air filters. A few years ago, manufacturers began adding more pleats (or folds) to air filters and increasing their surface area. Despite these warnings, there are many testimonials from owners who claim that MERV filters 11, 12, and even 13 have worked perfectly in their systems for years. This means that they can remove much smaller particles such as bacteria, viruses, and mold spores from the air.

In reality, since the air in your home is constantly recirculating through ducts and passing through filters each time, the cumulative effect of filters increases. However, proper home air filtration requires that you change your home's air filters regularly before you start to see evidence that it's been a while since you changed them. That's why it's important to only use air filters with the MERV rating recommended by the air conditioning system manufacturer. MERV stands for “Minimum Reported Efficiency Value” and measures how well an air filter can remove particulates from the air.

If you want to ensure your family is breathing clean and healthy air at all times, it's important to understand how home air filters work and when they should be changed. Contact Day & Night Air, your local professional HVAC company today to request a consultation on indoor air quality services in the greater Phoenix area. And like the HEPA classification test, the MERV test measures a filter's efficiency (the percentage of particles it captures in a single pass). If your family is enjoying your home without worrying about allergies or respiratory illnesses, disposable (and cheap) filters may work for you.

Chelsey Barkdull
Chelsey Barkdull

Typical music lover. Hardcore twitter specialist. Passionate music scholar. General baconaholic. . Friendly music practitioner.

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