Is Your Air Conditioner Filter Clogged or Dirty? Here's How to Tell

Are you noticing that your home isn't cooling as efficiently as it used to? It could be a sign that your air conditioner filter is clogged or dirty. Dust and dirt that accumulate around air conditioner vents can be a telltale sign of a blocked filter, and the Department of Energy estimates that this can cause a 5 to 15 percent increase in energy consumption. If you have an air conditioner installed in your Bay Area or Delaware home, it's important to change the air filter regularly. Your HVAC system uses an air filter to capture particulate matter from the air. Each time the heating or cooling system cycles, the heated or cooled air passes through the filter before entering the air ducts and vents.

Clogged air filters are one of the most common problems affecting the functionality of air conditioning systems, but they are often overlooked during maintenance visits. So what are the potential problems a dirty air conditioner filter can cause, and how can you find a quick solution to get your system back up and running as it should? Here are some of the most common issues and steps you can take to fix them before they become major problems:

  • If your filter looks dirty or clogged, it's time to replace it.
  • If there doesn't seem to be enough air coming out of the vents in each room, a dirty filter could be the cause.
  • To clean the air filter, remove it from the boiler, remove the dirt and clean it thoroughly with warm water.
  • Dirty air filters make the air conditioner work less efficiently, which means it doesn't cool your home as it should and can end up costing you more money in the long run.
If you've cleaned your filter or bought a new one and you're still having problems with cooling your home, you may need to contact a qualified ClimateCare air conditioning professional.

Chelsey Barkdull
Chelsey Barkdull

Typical music lover. Hardcore twitter specialist. Passionate music scholar. General baconaholic. . Friendly music practitioner.

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